Shielding From Allergies: It’s Not Just About Microbes
Clean and dirty mice respond similarly to allergens, challenging the idea that reduced microbial exposure is the primary cause behind the uptick in allergies.
Shielding From Allergies: It’s Not Just About Microbes
Shielding From Allergies: It’s Not Just About Microbes
Clean and dirty mice respond similarly to allergens, challenging the idea that reduced microbial exposure is the primary cause behind the uptick in allergies.
Clean and dirty mice respond similarly to allergens, challenging the idea that reduced microbial exposure is the primary cause behind the uptick in allergies.
Immunologists and parasitologists are working to revive the idea that helminths, and more specifically the molecules they secrete, could help treat allergies and autoimmune disease.
More-accurate predictions of the severity of an upcoming grass pollen season based on rainfall and temperature could help allergy sufferers manage their symptoms.
The decision, which concerns the removal of a sugar molecule on the surface of cells in a line of domestic pigs, marks the first time an approval has been granted for both purposes simultaneously.
As evidence grows that gut bacteria play roles in the development and persistence of food allergies, researchers begin to explore microbe-based interventions.
Although the oral treatment seems to work, an analysis of the results from 12 clinical trials finds kids who got an immunotherapy have a greater rate of serious reactions.
High salt concentrations are present in the affected skin of people with atopic dermatitis and promote the differentiation of the T helper cells involved in the development of allergic diseases.
Four years after taking a probiotic and peanut protein for 18 months, two-thirds of children in a small clinical trial can eat peanuts with no health issues.
In light of recent allergen-exposure studies, an agency-sponsored panel has formally recommended early introduction of peanuts in an effort to prevent potentially life-threatening allergies.