Back view of people clapping for a person standing in the front.
In Fall, Scientists Rise High
Science awards remind us that seemingly overnight success takes years of hard work and patience.
In Fall, Scientists Rise High
In Fall, Scientists Rise High

Science awards remind us that seemingly overnight success takes years of hard work and patience.

Science awards remind us that seemingly overnight success takes years of hard work and patience.

lasker award

Lasker Award winner Piet Borst sits at his desk.
A Journey With Metabolism, Parasites, and Cancer
Laura Tran, PhD | Sep 21, 2023 | 7 min read
Piet Borst led stellar work on cell organelles, trypanosomes, and cancer drug resistance during the golden age of biology.
Ribbon Protein Structure
Lasker Award for Revolutionizing Protein Structure Predictions
Laura Tran, PhD | Sep 21, 2023 | 6 min read
John Jumper and Demis Hassabis received this year’s 2023 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their work on the artificial intelligence system AlphaFold, which changed the landscape of protein biology. 
a black pencil with a white eraser on the tip leaves eraser marks on a piece of paper
Nobel Prize Winner Faces Investigation into Paper Integrity
Katherine Irving | Oct 21, 2022 | 2 min read
Seventeen studies coauthored by Gregg Semenza have been retracted, corrected, or raised for concern, and 15 more are currently under investigation.
Lauren Gardner, this year's Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award winner, in front of the COVID-19 dashboard she helped create.
2022 Lasker Award Winners Announced
Katherine Irving | Sep 28, 2022 | 2 min read
This year’s awards recognize work on integrins, noninvasive prenatal screening, and COVID-19 data tracking.
An outstretched hand holds a collection of prize medals in the sunlight
Analysis: Asian Researchers Scarce Among Biomedical Award Winners
Dan Robitzski | Feb 4, 2022 | 5 min read
Multiple prestigious US biomedical research awards have rarely or never been granted to a scientist with Asian ancestry, illustrating racial bias within American research societies and institutions, a researcher argues.
cartoon image showing colorful collection of syringes, coronavirus particles, and mrna to represent the vaccine development
Optogenetics and mRNA Vaccines Net Lasker Awards
Annie Melchor | Sep 24, 2021 | 2 min read
This year’s winners are Dieter Oesterhelt, Peter Hegemann, Karl Deisseroth, Drew Weissman, Katalin Karikó, and David Baltimore.
the Lasker award trophy
Lasker Awards Recognize Work on Histones, Anesthesia, RNA
Shawna Williams | Sep 11, 2018 | 2 min read
This year’s winners are C. David Allis, Michael Grunstein, John Glen, and Joan Steitz.
Could Rapamycin Help Humans Live Longer?
Anne N. Connor | Mar 1, 2018 | 4 min read
From extending lifespan to bolstering the immune system, the drug’s effects are only just beginning to be understood.
Rapping About Rapamycin
The Scientist | Feb 28, 2018 | 1 min read
Relive the Lasker Award speech from University of Basel biologist Michael Hall.
Nobel Prize–Winning Biologist Dies
Catherine Offord | Feb 19, 2018 | 2 min read
Günter Blobel, known for his work on the signal hypothesis of protein targeting, has died from cancer at age 81.
Prizes Bigger than the Nobel
Shawna Williams | Oct 5, 2017 | 3 min read
The Nobel Prize may garner the most attention, but there are other biomedical awards at least as lucrative.
Lasker Awards Go to a Cell Biologist and Cancer Vaccine Pioneers
Kerry Grens | Sep 6, 2017 | 2 min read
Douglas Lowy and John Schiller, whose work led to the HPV vaccine, and Michael Hall, who discovered the TOR pathway, win this year’s prizes.
hepatitis c lasker award
Six Scientists Receive Lasker Awards
Eugene Russo | Oct 15, 2000 | 7 min read
Ubiquitin-related research has made the transition from the basic to clinical arena in the past decade, and the field is now central to understanding diseases ranging from cancer to neurodegenerative disorders.