James Lovelock
Gaia Theorist James Lovelock Dies at 103
Lovelock’s environmental research improved humanity’s understanding of pollutants, but he’s best known for his hypothesis that Earth behaves like a self-regulating organism, which changed how scientists view the planet.
Gaia Theorist James Lovelock Dies at 103
Gaia Theorist James Lovelock Dies at 103

Lovelock’s environmental research improved humanity’s understanding of pollutants, but he’s best known for his hypothesis that Earth behaves like a self-regulating organism, which changed how scientists view the planet.

Lovelock’s environmental research improved humanity’s understanding of pollutants, but he’s best known for his hypothesis that Earth behaves like a self-regulating organism, which changed how scientists view the planet.

gas chromatography

Green-themed conceptual illustration of a human profile with abstract patterns that represent smelling.
Disease Scent Signatures Disclose What the Nose Knows
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Researchers redefine the lost art of smelling illness using one woman’s exquisitely sensitive nose.
Learn about universal documentation for easy compliance testing
Simplify Laboratory Compliance with Universal Documentation
The Scientist and PerkinElmer | Apr 21, 2022 | 1 min read
Universal electronic documentation takes care of instrument compliance testing, allowing researchers to get back to the bench.
Reduce background noise in chromatography with fresh ultrapure water
Increasing Chromatography Sensitivity with Ultrapure Water
Sartorius | Dec 29, 2021 | 1 min read
HPLC-grade water does not adequately separate trace compounds in chromatography experiments.
Gene Expression Analysis Gets Gassy
Ruth Williams | Jun 1, 2018 | 2 min read
Soil scientists use a gas-producing reporter system to assess gene activity in bacteria.
2016 Top 10 Innovations: Honorable Mentions
The Scientist | Nov 30, 2016 | 1 min read
These runners up to the Top 10 Innovations of 2016 caught our judges' attention.
GC-MS Distorts Data?
Jef Akst | Oct 22, 2015 | 2 min read
A study suggests that gas chromatography-mass spectrometry modifies or destroys sample compounds, but some are skeptical.
Detecting New Synthetic Drugs
Cristina Luiggi | Sep 1, 2011 | 1 min read
Forensic labs in the United States should be better equipped to identify a new crop of recreational drug mimics.