The brain as a white jig saw puzzle missing one piece on a blue background
Forget Something? You’re Supposed To Do That
Forgetting things appears to be a productive process and not a passive loss of information.
Forget Something? You’re Supposed To Do That
Forget Something? You’re Supposed To Do That

Forgetting things appears to be a productive process and not a passive loss of information.

Forgetting things appears to be a productive process and not a passive loss of information.


Learning Enhances Synapses Between “Memory Cells” in Mice
Diana Kwon | Apr 26, 2018 | 3 min read
A new technique reveals certain neuronal connections grow larger and denser when memories are made.
Long-Term Memory Storage Begins Immediately
Kerry Grens | Jun 1, 2017 | 2 min read
In mice, cells in the prefrontal cortex—where memories are maintained long-term—start to encode a fearful experience right from the start.