Dorothy Shippen and Borja Barbero Barcenilla investigated how spaceflight affects telomeres of Arabidopsis seedlings grown on the International Space Station.
How Plants Protect Their DNA in Space
How Plants Protect Their DNA in Space
Dorothy Shippen and Borja Barbero Barcenilla investigated how spaceflight affects telomeres of Arabidopsis seedlings grown on the International Space Station.
Dorothy Shippen and Borja Barbero Barcenilla investigated how spaceflight affects telomeres of Arabidopsis seedlings grown on the International Space Station.
Abundant environmental CO2 can increase plant biomass and photosynthesis, but it has downsides for agriculture and ecosystems, a growing body of research finds.
Epigenetic structures appear to reduce the rate of changes in genes essential for survival and reproduction, a study finds, challenging the notion that mutations are evenly distributed throughout the genome prior to selection.
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Oct 21, 2021 | 4 min read
A study finds that plants sharing the same growth medium can exchange microRNAs that silence genes in the recipient, suggesting the nucleic acids may act as signaling molecules.
The plant geneticist has revolutionized researchers’ understanding of how light affects plant growth and development, and is engineering plants to combat climate change.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln entomologist wants to help pave the way for creating environmentally friendly tools to replace insecticides to control agricultural pests.
The small molecule is effective in tomato and wheat in laboratory trials, but its scalability and applicability to real-world agriculture remains to be seen.